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Make-A-Wish Turkey and Disney Turkey Collaboration

International Disney and Make-A-Wish Projects

The connection between Disney and Make-A-Wish continues to grow every day. Wish Children can visit Disneyland using the Magic Moments project. Throughout their visit, the get to meet with their favorite cast and experience many other wonderful surprises. Disney plays a big role in children’s lives, and these fairy-tale days are often a reason that a child holds on to life even more.

Visit Disney Paris with Magic Moments Event.

Wish Fulfillments.

Collaborations on Disney Products. (Wishing Wishes)

Wishes to Meet the Cast in Disney Productions

Donation Events.

Seven-year-old Wing-Kei from Hong Kong wished nothing more than to be her favorite princess, Sleeping Beauty. Her wish came true thanks to Disney and Make-A-Wish!

​From princess makeup to meeting Sleeping Beauty, Wing Kei’s wish day was truly incredible. Thank you Hong Kong Disneyland Hotel and Hong Kong Disneyland for making Wing Kei’s wish experience so amazing!

Studies in Our Country

World Wish Day Events.

Mickey Painting Activity; Celebrities from abroad designed and painted Mickeys with an average size of 15-20 cm coming, and they were offered for sale at the Four Seasons Hotel.

12 different fashion designers sewed the dresses of the Disney princess characters by creating their own designs and the launch was held in Zorlu Plaza.

With the promotion of the movie Frozen 2 in Beşiktaş Vodafone Park, our Wish child’s wish to become Elsa was fulfilled in the most amazing way.


The deep-rooted bond between Disney and Make-A-Wish has been growing stronger over many years. Studies carried out at international level set an exemplary case for many individuals and institutions.

Disney has supported Make-A-Wish since its first official wish came true, with more than 140,000 wishes fulfilled worldwide. This admirable partnership goes beyond financial support. 

The role Disney plays in the lives of children aged 3-18 who are struggling with life-threatening illnesses is undeniable and has had such a positive impact.

At Donation Events

Disney Parks raised $1 million in donations at the Super Bowl event. patrick-mahomes/


The product, prepared with Disney and the Tinker Bell concept, was put on sale and some of it was transferred to the realization of our children’s wishes.

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